Friday, October 26, 2007

Mom at the Reins

I have a hard time thinking from Simon's perspective and telling you what he'd be interested in sharing, so I think for a while here I might just write as I feel so inclined.

Simon just sneezed, and I hear him saying "oh bless you" over & over. He's in his crib - supposed to be napping, but lately it doesn't happen that often. I HOPE we're not done w/ naps already.

It's also hard to know what to write because Simon is growing so incredibly quickly that I can't keep up. He can imitate almost everything now, so sharing his "new words" would be a never-ending and tiresome list. A few especially sweet things I will share:
  1. gwink = drink
  2. doof = juice
  3. gwink doof = drink juice, and we laugh almost every time. Can't help it!
  4. I love me = I love you. If we try to get him to say "I love you," he replies with his own little baby version of narcissism. But it's darn cute.
  5. Gamma Libby = Grandma Lizzy (my mom)
  6. Gampa Gewawd = Grandpa Gerard (my dad - he can't say Gerry)
  7. Gamma Jan = Grandma Jan (Adam's mom)
  8. Dean (accompanied by a shrug)= Grandpa Dean (accompanied by a shrug - Adam's stepdad). I think this is because we have pictures of Jan & my parents, but no picture of Dean. Simon looked around at a few books as if looking for a picture book with Dean in it, but to no avail. We'll have to remedy that.
He also says "please" almost every time he wants something. If I'm snacking on something he recognizes, he'll say "pretzel please" or "fig cracker please." If he doesn't recognize something I'm eating, he'll say "bite please."

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I dropped a Bocce ball on my front lip. This was after I scratched myself (by my eye) in my sleep. My lip split a little and bled a lot, but my teeth are all fine.

I slipped on a toy later and fell on my face again too. That was a bad night. It bled all over again. But it's better now.
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