I have a hard time thinking from Simon's perspective and telling you what he'd be interested in sharing, so I think for a while here I might just write as I feel so inclined.
Simon just sneezed, and I hear him saying "oh bless you" over & over. He's in his crib - supposed to be napping, but lately it doesn't happen that often. I HOPE we're not done w/ naps already.
It's also hard to know what to write because Simon is growing so incredibly quickly that I can't keep up. He can imitate almost everything now, so sharing his "new words" would be a never-ending and tiresome list. A few especially sweet things I will share:
- gwink = drink
- doof = juice
- gwink doof = drink juice, and we laugh almost every time. Can't help it!
- I love me = I love you. If we try to get him to say "I love you," he replies with his own little baby version of narcissism. But it's darn cute.
- Gamma Libby = Grandma Lizzy (my mom)
- Gampa Gewawd = Grandpa Gerard (my dad - he can't say Gerry)
- Gamma Jan = Grandma Jan (Adam's mom)
- Dean (accompanied by a shrug)= Grandpa Dean (accompanied by a shrug - Adam's stepdad). I think this is because we have pictures of Jan & my parents, but no picture of Dean. Simon looked around at a few books as if looking for a picture book with Dean in it, but to no avail. We'll have to remedy that.