Monday, June 11, 2007

First Day!

I started "school" today! It's actually called Toddler Summer Camp, but it's at the school so it's similar. The first picture here is me last night, trying on my big boy "outdoor shoes," and saying "cheese!" The second picture is a close up of my fancy shoes. Mom's cousin Jacki lives in England, and when she came to visit me last year she brought me these great "Ketty Ketty" sneakers from Italy. They're very fun, and shiny, and it was a little hard for me to walk in them at first. Not only because I'm used to softer soled shoes so I can feel the ground better, but because they are so cool I just wanted to sit down & look at them & play with them instead of wear them! I got it figured out though, and I wore them to school today with pride. Thanks Jacki!

The next two pictures are me today with my brand new backpack. Mom bought it for me so I could take all my essentials to school with me - my water bottle, my diapers, extra sets of clothes just in case I'm really messy, my bathing suit & towel for when we have water play time outside, sunblock, indoor shoes, and a sunhat. Dad tried to put my backpack on for a picture before school this morning, but I had woken up just a little earlier than I wanted to, so I was resistant. Mom took a few pictures after school instead, and other than the sidewalk chalk dust on the knees of my jeans and one shoe being untied, I don’t think there’s much difference. I had a good day, although mom doesn't really know what I did exactly. Mom & Dad both came to drop me off, but it was a little anti-climactic, and I didn't even really notice when they left. There was a girl in there and a grown-up lady, and a toy with a ball. What could be better? When mom came to get me about three hours later, I was happily playing with a truck outside, and I wasn't even all that excited to see her. I got to play with my friend Joseph, who turned two in February. He's in this first session with me, and I remembered him right away when he showed up with his mom & dad. I'll probably learn a lot from him over the next two weeks since he's so much older and smarter! Now it's time for an afternoon nap. More later!

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